As the market for the IoT (internet of things) expands, the furniture market is also af-fected, and a new concept of furniture called smart furniture that communication technology, IoT technology has appeared in the market. However, contrary to the high expectations that the company will continue to grow in the future, the actual utilization rate of consumers is gradu-ally decreasing, regarded as a failure in market adaptation. In this study, the innovation resist-ance model of Ram (Ram 1987) was applied to discover the rejection of new innovation of smart furniture consumers and to find the cause of direct resistance factors. In this paper, we compared and analyzed previous studies based on the innovation resistance model As a result, we took a conclusion that we should increase the opportunities for continuous experiences and innovation experiences for smart furniture. In addition, unlike the previous studies that analyze only the success factors, the negative part like a failure factor, would be considered, which means that the research has been conducted from a multifaceted perspective, and it would be a fundamental research on the prospect of smart furniture.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 스마트퍼니처에 대한 개념고찰
Ⅲ. 혁신 저항의 개념고찰
Ⅳ. 스마트퍼니처와 혁신 저항
Ⅴ. 결론