This study was conducted to provide the basis data for use of wood damaged by Oak wilt. Investigating items are visual observation of the wood damaged part, physical and me-chanical properties. Wood damage by the Oak wilt mostly found in an earlywood in which there is thin cell well and lumen area. Compared to a normal tree, there was not significant dif-ference in the specific gravity and shrinkage. When strength test was performed to check phys-ical properties, damaged wood failures of shear and bending were occurred mostly in a dam-aged part. Compared to the nomal tree shear strength the strength was lower. The bending strength was higher than a normal tree, but the coefficient of variation was also high. Because of this, it was considered that the damaged wood could not be used where shear are bending properties were desired. The compressive strength was higher than that of normal tree, and the coefficient of variation was similar. So, the damaged wood might be used as compresion member.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과
Ⅳ. 결론