The ability of ‘Originality and Creativity’ is one of the most important factor for de-signers to complete their design sensibility. It is not only the overall concept of the process but also all details related to each step of the gaps in action such as a planning product strategies, research, finding ways, to solve problems, observation and broadening ideas, etc. It is, however, not easy to creative as designers by natural learning through experiences unless they have in-spiration for design concept. Many designers in the field are even in dilemmas being not be able to finding clear design concept from design purpose. This study is focused on the re-searches on the work of Tomas Headerwick who have shown great creativities throw their in-novative design concept and originality. It is aimed to find out the challenge spirit & the ex-perimental spirit which could be fundamental motives for the creativeness, various case study to solve problems in creative ways, technical approaches to improve creativities, and overall com-munications between members of his studio in the design working processes.