To collection of field data for development of maintenance manual of Han-ok, we investigated defects which occurred in members of Han-ok by field investigation. The noticeable defects were wood cracks, gaps that developed between wood pillar and wall or wood window frame and tenon joints. The most common biological defect was blue stain which was created in log. The mold generation was observed on exterior wood and wall which get wet by precipitation. The gaps between members of Han-ok pointed out as defect that is urgently improved by residents of Han-ok. The reason is mainly due to poor of insulation in winter by bad confidentiality. The maintenance work of defect such as gap was conducted personally. As a result, the repair parts were ugly for unfamiliar repair work.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한옥에서 발생하는 대표적인 결함 유형
Ⅲ. 거주자의 결함에 대한 인식과 보수 행위
Ⅳ. 결론