This study shows how the plastic furniture design has developed in general and by contemporary auteurist designers. Plastic furniture design began with Mies van der Rohe s chairs produced with compression moldings, and was later successfully commercialized by Knoll and Herman Miller. Plastic undoubtedly played a significant role in giving modern furniture de-sign its current status with its suitability for efficient mass-production. However, the expect-ations consumers have for designers have extended by the widespread internet accessibility along with the higher standards of the well-developed design industry, and now mass-pro-duction is no more the only key to appealing to those in need. Based on the information gath-ered from the process above, analyses were done on the works of various design artists in the current industry, which leads to certain suggestions that would help bring the plastic furniture design to the next level as a whole.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 플라스틱 가구디자인의 일반적 고찰
Ⅲ. 플라스틱 가구디자인의 low-tech 기법 디자이너에 대한 분석
Ⅳ. 결론