Unlike traditional cultural assets, industrial assets are closely tied with contemporary life in numerous ways, and have acted as a bridge between the traditional architectural build-ings and contemporary architectural buildings, reflecting the overall economical, social and cul-tural portraits of that time. Reinvestigating them in a new light, granting just and fair values, and preserving and transmitting these modern cultural heritages is a method of preserving the historical and cultural traditions in order to keep own identity and integrity. Nowadays, how-ever, due to various sprawling developments and new development-oriented urban policies, only a select few industrial assets are being protected, the rest facing demolition and damages. In or-der to better cope with such situation, Korea has officially introduced the Registered Cultural Properties System since 2001, and began acknowledging the historical values of industrial build-ings as modern cultural properties. By systematic analysis and deduction of characteristics from successfully recycled precedents such Oberhausen Gasometer in the state of Nordhein-Westfalen that have been preserved and recycled as cultural spaces, this paper aims to find and propose suggestions to rehabilitate and recycle the industrial cultural properties in Korea.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 국내 산업유산 재생계획의 현 상황
Ⅲ. 독일 NRW 주 산업⋅기술문화재의 재생사례 분석
Ⅳ. 결론