This study intends to analyze the importance of design on the basis of the children’ emotion, by instancing the child-oriented furniture that contributes to the healthy growing and emotion-development of children. This means the reflection of the will trying to see the main point of design for the child-oriented furniture and it’s possibility from another new standpoint. It will be understood how far the furniture influences the children and for that the furniture among others for the preschool children having playing & leaning functions is taken as an object of the study. The scope of study is the child-oriented furniture having playing & learning functions that has been presented for displaying as well as for a commercial use, since 2005. The attempt to find objective factors working positively for the emotion- & behavior development of children through seeking a new design of the child-oriented furniture for playing & learning is for emphasizing the importance of the emotional function, not only the primary function of furniture, at designing the child-oriented furniture. The combination between applications of the specialized material for child education & studies, therefore, has to be handled more importantly. The child-oriented furniture for playing & leaning that stimulates a healthy growing of child not only physically, also emotionally should be constantly and more deeply specialized on child education and design aspects.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 아동용가구의 의미와 종류
Ⅲ. 아동의 발달특징
Ⅳ. 놀이와 학습을 위한 아동용 가구 디자인
Ⅴ. 결론