An investigation was conducted to know a prospect of woody toy in Korea for physical, psychological and intellectual development. It was told that toys that stimulate cognitive development are appropriate for the child s capabilities, responsive to the child s movements, provide feedback when manipulated, and require imagination or fantasy. Toys particularly useful in the development of these abilities include dolls, figures, cuddly toys, puppets, costumes, and construction toys. Therefore, a toy is a wonderful object, indispensable to physical, psychological and intellectual development, both for those who have the capacity to integrate into society and for those who encounter difficulties. If we can replace a plastic toys by a environmental wooden toys, we can contribute to child development that is especially to promote creativity, artistic, problem-solving, language and social skills. In addition, we can support the ability of wood toy manufacturers to market their products in a responsible way and contribute to strengthen the competitiveness of our commodities on international markets.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 놀이의 개념과 유형 및 특징
Ⅲ. 목재완구 제작 및 조립에 의한 창의력 증진
Ⅳ. 완구시장의 현황 및 전망
Ⅴ. 완구산업 시장현황
Ⅵ. 결론