High wear resistances are obtained with an additional coating of the surface of the decor film in the same operation of impregnating with low viscosity melamine resin by liquid overlay system. The cellulosic fibers have a good adhesion to the corundum particles and keep them sufficiently homogeneous in the blend with the resin. The amount of these fibers in nearly as big as it is in a common overlay in relation to the resin. Therefore these fibers keep the resin inside during the press process and consequently ver the surface of the decor print fo the film. That means that the corundum particles are equally dissipated throughout the entire layer over the decor. The change of the color of the print is nearly not visible as the particles are almost equally dissipated. Looking to the flooring purposes of liquid overlay one can see that by the lessser exposure of the corundum particles on the very surface, there is no longer an abrasive surface but a feeling like a normal melamine surface.
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