This article aimed at identifying the concept of ‘artistic-quality’ of furniture and pre-senting the concept of ‘artistic-quality based furniture creation’ as the future direction of furni-ture design. For this, the authors approached to the theoretical background of the concept of ar-tistic-quality, and then examined the prospect of practical application of the concept by analyz-ing the tendencies in today’s art furniture. In this light, ‘artistic-quality’ of furniture could be understood as a quality that triggers the designer’s venturous spirit throughout the process of furniture creation, so that the designer keeps seeking for the novelty and innovation in his ex-perimental design and process. The feature of the current tendencies of art furniture in terms of the expression and effect, which could explain this venturous spirit of artistic-quality based fur-niture creation, could be summarized as follows; first, High-touch: Furniture that exemplifies the artistic-quality by specific texture of handmade quality, second, High-feeling: Furniture that arouses the new feelings and new concepts of furniture structure & function by experiments on new abstract forms of furniture, and third, High-mentality: Furniture that leads us to the sphere of subtle aesthetic recognition and mentality with its specific poetic expression and sensibility.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 가구의 예술성 개념 고찰
Ⅲ. 현대 아트퍼니처 작품분석을 통한 가구의 예술성에 대한 탐구
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언