In the radically changing market situation, surface materials of student furniture are a very important element to decide the consumption pattern and the market price. Thus, this study examined the characteristics of surface materials by classifying the student furniture into children’s, juniors’, and seniors’ furniture while accessing the features of such surface materials through Glulam, veneer, poly paper, finishing foil, high pressure melamine (HPM), and low pressure melamine (LPM), and PVC vinyl. When taking a look at the surface materials that were most frequently produced in each domestic furniture company, the combined materials that used more than 2 elements (31.88%), LPM (23.19%), and Glulam (20.29%) were in-troduced at the market in the order. Regarding the analysis made on colors, the combination colors took more than half (55.32%) followed by brown (13.83%) and beige (11.7%) in the order. Based on the results derived from the analysis, the study suggests to stress more im-portance to surface materials when developing student furniture and to exert efforts for the con-sistent development of new materials and quality improvement, as a way to accelerate the de-velopment of the furniture industry in Korea.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 학생용가구의 구분
Ⅲ. 학생용가구 표면재 종류
Ⅳ. 학생용 가구 표면재 시장분석
Ⅴ. 결론