This paper examined the changes on Dokdo description in Korea and Japan history textbook. Dokdo was first described as territory in Korean textbook. Textbook published in Korea 1950s clearly spelled out the term territory of Dokdo and Gando. However, it was 21st century in Japanese textbook to describe Dokdo as Japanese territory. Considering the description in 1960s when Japan started to mention in the textbook about South Kuril 4 Islands which have been controlled by Russia, the mention on Dokdo only started a little later. This late mention on Dokdo could be related to the theoretical weakness of terra nullis To compare the characteristics of description between Korea and Japan history textbook on Dokdo issue, Korea emphasized the stolen national rights aspect in the description of historical issue. On the contrary, Japan government emphasized territorial issue aspect as different to that of South Kuril Islands or Senkaku Islands issue. So, textbook of geography in Japan first stressed territory description. So, position of description is different by each textbook. Sometimes, textbook described concerning 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, and 1965 Korea Japan Basic Treaty, or future task of Japan in the later part of the textbook. It means there are many aspect of different recognition in Japanese history textbook by different context of the edition on Dokdo issue. Present intention of Japan to stress territory could be the result of lack of theory for the education. To compete to this situation, Korea government pursued a dynamic description in school education for Dokdo by aggregating more materials or dynamic way of education. Despite, there is a competing description between two countries, which might hazard friendship and result dark future. In this reason, Korea should recognize clear limitation of Dokdo issue description in history education. That is, if Korea does not intensively describe in the textbook unit about how to describe and manage the historical issue in East Asia as equal as Dokdo, the limitation of school education could face a problem. Moreover, if government could not fill out the gap between historical ownership and real administration in school education, any government education office will not be free from the national pressure about the emotion on territory. It might show a lack of coincidence in history education to resolve the issue. Now, setting new education curriculum to overcome the limitation is meaningful in the textbook concerning East Asian history.
1. 머리말
2. 한국 역사교과서
3. 일본 역사교과서
4. 맺음말