This paper was prepared to find a desirable way of descriptive method on Dokdo issue for elementary, middle school, and high school textbook in Korea at time of Japan continuously strengthen Dokdo education. First of all, this paper reviewed the contents of description in the existing textbooks on use. Present textbook as I confirmed described Dokdo became Korean territory from Sylla dynasty when General Isabu conquered Woosan country, and Ahn Yong-bok returned from Japan confirming the fact that Ulleungdo and Dokdo as Choseon(Korea) territory during Choseon dynasty King Sukjong. However, this description indicating historical fact was not based on real fact record but only assumed fact as in Japanese assertion. Especially, the new textbook should list contents about the document 「Kenroku 9(Byeongja: 1696) Choseon Ship Arrival at Shore Report:「元祿 9(丙子) 朝鮮舟 着岸 一卷之覺書」 which was found in Ochi district of Oki province in Shimane prefecture in 2005 because the textbook might make believe Ahn Yong-bok record in Real Record in King Sukjong , but it is more important to find necessity of material which definitely show the fact. Japan raised a question on this document but it might be an opposition only for negation of the truth. Korean side showed definite record of 世宗實錄地理誌 Real Record in King Sejong - geographic writing for Dokdo. This writing was completed in 1432 as a creation on the base of 新 New Edited Eight Provincial 撰八道地理誌 Geography . In here, later book was based on the report about Gangwondo, so the Woosando in this book is Dokdo definitely. Also, the recognition insisting Woosando beside of Ulleungdo in Korean old map was generally accepted in Korea. But, this paper revealed the Woosando island which was located beside of Uleungdo was not Dokdo unconditionally but it was Jukdo(竹島 -Takeshima) by defining <Woosando type> and <so called Woosando type>. Moreover, I explained Ulleungdo was consisted of three islands such as Ulleungdo, Jukdo(竹島-Takeshima), and Woosando based on 「海東與地圖 General Map of East Sea Country」 describing Gangwondo province. Now, expanding new descriptive views for Dokdo based on this study could be another way to respond to Japan.
1. 문제의 제기
2. 일본 외무성의 독도 전략
3. 한국 현행 교과서에서의 독도 기술
4. 고지도와 독도 문제
5. 맺음말