최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

바람직한 학교급별 독도 교육의 강화 방안

A Measure to Strengthen Dokdo Education by School Class

Dokdo was proved as inherent Korean territory by many maps and historic books, where reside Korean citizen and ruled effectively as Korean territory by police. However, Japan started to strengthen false voice on Dokdo territory which historically and internationally obvious Korean. This insistence by politician and Japan Ministry of Education and Science was based on the purpose to invoke international dispute area for Dokdo and seizure it by describing the Japanese territory contents in the New Middle School Interpretation for Social Life Teaching guidebook. In this situation, our Dokdo education is lack of long term vision and teaching method. Dokdo education for elementary, middle as well as high school have no regular class hour and lack of teaching method for student level or grade and simply repeat the contents. Dokdo education should refute toward Japanese Dokdo territory right emotionally but also should teach the counter logic and reality of Japanese false assertion systematically. This kind of systematic Dokdo education is essential for elementary, middle, and high school students to keep willingness and affection to protect our land. Various service activities by many research centers or government level to supply study materials which meet student development level will devote to Korean affection and defence willing- ness on Dokdo. So it is very urgent task to classify Dokdo education systematically to meet student level and grade or by class in the process of education curriculum revision and textbook development. First priority should emphasize the Dokdo education by class to strengthen the efficiency, and the content should reflect this purpose. Author preset the purpose and goal of Dokdo education to establish a content system and described the contents by procedure. In elementary school, learning about Dokdo natural environment and geographical characteristics was to understand the importance and love for Dokdo. In middle school level aims to understand correct foundation of Korean Dokdo territory consciousness by historic, geographic, and international law, which will aid explanatory ability of students. Selective subject curriculum permit in the high school level class to take willingness of territory protection and future oriented historical territory viewpoint of students. Each level of teaching contents were systematically composed of purpose, goal, and education level of each elementary, middle, high school class for Dokdo education. Also, textbook content was verified by step considering student development and past education experience to minimize the repetition and to introduce student interest.

1. 머리말

2. 우리의 독도 문제에 대한 대응 자세

3. 일본 교과서의 독도 영유권 서술 강화

4. 독도 수호를 위한 우리의 활동

5. 학교급별 독도 교육의 방향

6. 초, 중, 고동학교 독도 교육 내용 체계의 특징

7. 맺음말
