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KCI등재 학술저널

초등학교 독도 수업의 운영 실태와 개선방안

The Reality of Dokdo Class Learning and the Improvement at Elementary School: focused on elementary school of Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education

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In reality, most of elementary school students know Dokdo belong to Korea, but there was few experience about practical activity or diverse materials on Dokdo education, which obviously need more systematic and effective Dokdo education at school. In spite of various approach by Dokdo curriculum and operation or Dokdo event, this kind of effort has been recognized as one of individual creative activity realm for Dokdo education but not as unique subject of education which have limited the importance of real education activity among teachers. Thus, this paper analysed Dokdo education curriculum operation and reality of Dokdo education at elementary schools in Gyeongsangbuk-do, and compared‘Dokdo’textbook and Dokdo teaching learning complementary material in‘․ Correct understanding on Dokdo’textbook published by Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education to analyze effective Dokdo education. The result of analysis revealed that Dokdo education curriculum distributed very short hours compared to the importance, which may introduce student s interest by Dokdo Week or temporary Dokdo events, but there are not constant Dokdo education or short of materials and methods for effective teaching-learning as indicated problems. Also there are some difference in structure and contents between‘Dokdo’textbook approved by Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education and Northeast History Foundation‘Correct Understanding for Dokdo’book as compared about teaching method. That is first, Dokdo’textbook listed the introduction, the contents, and the summary by each chapter but‘Correct Understanding for Dokdo’book suggested recognition of the issue, exploring the issue, and resolution of the issue. Second, the difference about material structure and contents showed that‘Dokdo’textbook described general contents about the value of Dokdo s geographical, historical, environmental, and cultural aspect, but‘Correct Understanding for Dokdo’book listed the understand about territory, exclusive economic sea related Dokdo value, opposing viewpoint against Japanese Dokdo territory insistence, our effort to protect Dokdo as the focusing point. Third,‘Dokdo’textbook inserted various kind of worksheet type materials which students generally use but‘Correct Understanding for Dokdo’book composed of mainly text type reading materials compared to‘Dokdo’textbook. However, two textbooks inserted pictures or cartoons to make interest for elementary school students. As analysed above, I suggest some of ideas to make effective class learning at elementary school on the basis of those analysis concerning Dokdo education and Dokdo class. First, more systematic and practical curriculum is necessary for entire elementary school grade for Dokdo education. Second, we need development of effective teaching․learning materials and the use for Dokdo education. Third, quality training for all teachers is essential before efficient Dokdo class education. Finally, various levels of interest and attention by each society will lead to effective Dokdo education and improvement of class learning, which might result maximum effect for the education with love and affection to the students at every field of school site to introduce ultimate purpose of the education.

1. 머리말

2. 초등학교 독도교육 과정

3. 독도수업과 수업운영 방식

4. ‘독도’교과서와 독도 수업 활용 교재 비교 분석

5. 초등학교 독도교육 및 독도수업으 활성화를 위한 제언
