최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

시판 친환경재배 건강기능성 쌀의 취반 가공적성 비교

A Comparison of Cooking Quality on Commercial Eco-Friendly Functional Rice

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2013.58.4.451

The physicochemical properties and cooking qualities of four rice varieties (Goami, Giant-embryonic rice, Baegjinju, Aranghyangchal) which grown under eco-friendly farming as development of material for chronic disease tailored instant rice and porridge, respectively, were investigated. The contents of crude protein, crude lipid and crude fiber were the highest in Goami. The water absorption rate of Aranghyangchal at 85℃ was higher than other rice. However on rice flour, the water absorption rate and solubility of all functional rices at 85℃ were higher than control (brown rice flour). In addition viscosity of all functional rices at 100℃ were higher than control (brown rice flour). In spite of brown rice, Aranhyangchal showed no significant differences about hardness of Ilpum (white rice). The sensory evaluation was shown that Aranghyangchal was the highest in glossiness, flavor, roasted nutty taste, cohesiveness and overall preference. Although Giant-embryonic rice and Baegjinju were brown rice, overall preference was higher than Ilpum (white rice). These study results were showed that the functional rices could be good to make instant rice.

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