최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본ㆍ프랑스의 고지도가 증명하는 한국의 독도영유

Korea s Possession of Dokdo Indicated by Old Maps of Japan and France

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본 논문은 일본의 고지도에 독도가 어느 나라의 영토로 표기되었는가 하는 문제를 집중적으로 고찰하였다. 그리하여 에도 시대와 명치 시대에는 독도가 한국의 영토라는 사실을 인식하고 있었음을 밝혔다. 그러므로 이 연구로 인해 일본이 역사적으로 독도를 계속 영유해왔다는 주장은 거짓말임을 입증했다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 1905년에 독도를 시마네현에 편입시켜 이 섬에 대한 영유권을 근대법적으로 재확인했다고 하는, 일본측의 주장도 결국은 그 타당성을 잃게 된다고 하겠다.

This paper is to disapprove the Japanese assertion that Dokdo had been their sovereignty until 1905 by using some maps of Japan. In 1655, Edo dynasty, Edo Shogun government made the Shoho official Map of Japan<幕府撰正保日本地圖>, but Dokdo does not appear in this Map. In Edo dynasty Japanese made some non-official maps of Japan, but in those maps Dokdo also does not appear. For example, Dokdo does not appear in neither the famous screen of Japanese map(1650), nor the famous map of Japan named Honcyo-Zukan-Komoku(本朝圖鑑綱目)(1687). The first map of Japan was drawn in 8th Century by a famous priest named Gyoki(行基). But Gyoki didn t know the existence of Dokdo. So Dokdo also does not appear in this first map of Japan by Gyoki. Kenpel, a French explorer, drew the map of Japan in 1740. In this map, we also can not find Dokdo. Kenpel got his knowledge about Japan from many Japanese people. So we can easily guess that many Japanese people did not think Dokdo was Japanese island. In Meiji dynasty(1868-1912), Meiji government made some official maps of Japan, but in those maps we also can not find Dokdo island. For example, Dokdo does not appear in neither the map of Japan named Kanpan-Gissoku-Nihon-Chizu(官板實測日本地圖)(1870), nor the map of Japan named Dai-Nihonkoku-Zenzu(大日本國全圖)(1881) made by Japanese government. In conclusion, these maps prove that many Japanese people and Japanese government did not think Dokdo was Japanese territory until 1905.

1. 머리말

2. 지도가 증명하는 독도의 영유권

3. 맺음말
