최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

파종기 및 온도처리가 콩의 생육 및 Isoflavone 함량과 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Planting Date, Temperature on Plant Growth, Isoflavone Content, and Fatty Acid Composition of Soybean

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2012.57.4.373
  • 12

Soybean, C.V. Daewonkong, was planted on 25 May and 25 June in 2011, and four temperature gradient, control (ambient temperature in field plot), control + 3℃, control + 4℃, and control + 5℃, were artificially created by controlling the green house system. The obtained results indicated that vegetative growth of soybean plant was beneficially facilitated by planting on May (PM) than planting on June (PJ). The 100-seed weight was significantly higher in PM, and positively affected by increasing temperature, whereas the weight was reduced in control + 5℃ plot. Isoflavone content and fatty acid composition were analyzed to determine the effects of plating date and growth temperature. Isoflavone content was higher in PJ plot (1479.8 ㎍/g) than in PM plot (1201.8 ㎍/g), however, the influence of growth temperature varied with planting date. The composition of oleic acid was positively affected by increasing temperature, whereas the proportions of linoleic and linolenic acid were reduced. The numbers of node was considered as a major variable in the regression equations estimated using forward stepwise regression analysis for isoflavone content and un-saturated fatty acid under different environmental conditions.

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