This study was conducted to establish proper milling condition and harvesting time for improving the milling recovery of head foxtail millet grain. Brown foxtail millet recovery and the percentage of head foxtail millet recovery were significantly different according to the number of hulling and milling time. Also, the interaction of these factors had influence on brown foxtail millet recovery and the percentage of head foxtail millet recovery. To improve the percentage of head foxtail millet recovery, it was effective to hull grain twice and mill for 1.30 minute. 1000-grain weight of brown foxtail millet, brown foxtail millet recovery, hardness of brown foxtail millet, milling recovery, and the percentage of milling recovery of head foxtail millet grain were significantly different according to harvesting day after heading. For improving the ratio of ripened grain and the percentage of recovery of head foxtail millet, it is recommended to harvest 45 days (accumulated temperature : 1,148℃) after heading (DAH) in early maturing Hwangkeumjo, 50 DAH (accumulated temperature : 1,150℃) in mid-late maturing Samdamae and Kyeongkwan1, and 55 DAH (accumulated temperature : 1,168℃) in late maturing Samdachal.
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