최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

강원 평야지 조생종 벼 재배방법에 따른 쌀 수량 및 품질특성

The Quality and Yield of Early Maturing Rice Varieties affected by Cultural Practices in Gangwon Plain Region

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2012.57.3.233

The yield of Unkwangbyeo transplanted on May 10 was 596kg/10a in 2010. The rice yield decreased with delaying transplanting date. The head rice rate was 91.9% when transplanted in June 10, and the rate decreased as the transplanting got earlier. In 2011, the yield increased by 5~8% when transplanted on June 10 because of the increase of Ripened grain ratio and 1,000 grain weight. The yield, when transplanted in the distance of 30 × 13 cm with 5 plants, was higher than the other treatments. The yield of Oraebyeo, transplanted on June 10, decreased by 6% compared with transplanting on May 25, while the yield, transplanted in the distance of 30 × 13 cm with 5 plants, increased by 5% because of the increase in the number/m2 of panicle and grain. The head rice rates of the two varieties increased by 5~7% and the Toyo palatability appeared to get improved when transplanted on June 10 possibly because of the effect of low ripening temperature by 0.9~1.6℃ with delaying heading date from 9 to 12 days.

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