최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

서남부간척지에서 벼 질소시비와 물관리 방법별 생육 및 수량

Growth and Yield of Rice in Levels of Nitrogen and Water Management of Reclaimed Saline Soil in Southwestern Area

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2012.57.3.203

Field experiment was carried out to identify the proper water exchange interval for the rice cultivation on reclaimed saline soil with different nitrogen levels in southwestern area. The nitrogen fertilizer was applied 14, 17 and 20 kg per 10a by ingredient, and intervals of water ex-change treated 3, 6 and 9-day periods from transplanting of rice(Oryza sativa var. Cheongho) to maturing stage in Munpo soil series. The salinity levels ranged 0.10∼0.24% and 0.24∼0.32% of 3-day and 6-day respectively, whileas it ranged 0.35∼0.52% for 9-day interval of water exchange during vegetative stage. Water exchange and nitrogen level showed significant effects on the plant growth, yield, and quality. The yield of milled rice on 3-day and 6-day interval of water exchange showed 497 kg/10a and 492 kg/10a and that were significantly higher than that of 9-day interval in 2008 and 2009. Milled rice yield of 9-day interval of water exchange was lower than that of 3-day and 6-day interval of all nitrogen levels. Plant growth and yield components were not significantly different between 3-day and 6-day interval of water exchange of all nitrogen levels. The combination of nitrogen fertilizer level of 17 kg/10a and 6-day interval of water exchange after transplanting might be recommend-ed for maximum yield realization and minimize salt injury at reclaimed medium saline soil in southwestern area.

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