최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

파종시기가 찰옥수수 2기작 재배의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

Effects of Seeding Dates on Harvesting Time of Double Cropped Waxy Corn

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2012.57.2.195
  • 4

It is important to determine the optimum harvesting time that impact decisively on the quality of vegetable waxy corns. In general, it takes 20~25 days from silking to harvest according to ecotype when waxy corn hybrids were sown in April. We identified the optimum harvesting time by the ecotypes and seeding dates for the establishment of corn double cropping system of waxy corn. It takes 23~25 days from silking to harvest regardless of ecotype, when waxy corns were sown at early in April or late in June. It takes 28~31 days when Chalok1, early maturing type, was sown between in July 10, and in July 30. It takes 29~31 days when Ilmichal, medium late maturing type, was sown between in July 10 and in July 20, but 39 days were required when sown at in July 30. The cumulative temperature for harvesting was about 1700℃~2100℃. The minimum cumulative temperature from seeding to harvest was approximately 600℃. These results will be helpful to the farmers for determining the optimum harvest time of vegetable waxy corns.

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