최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국내 육성 주요 옥수수 자식계통 및 교잡종의 종실 성분 특성

Chemical Composition of Seed from Inbred Lines and Hybrids of Maize Recently Developed in Korea

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2012.57.2.188

This study was carried out to evaluate the quality properties, fatty acid composition and amino acid composition of major Korean inbred lines and hybrids of maize for corn bree-ding. Protein content of F2 seeds was 9.0%, which was slightly lower than those of inbred lines, 11.4%, and F1 seeds, 10.9%. in hybrid maizes. Lipid content of F2 seeds of hybrid maizes was 4.2%, slightly higher than those of inbred lines, 3.3%, and F1seeds, 3.6%. However, there was no significant difference in ash content. The amount of linoleic acid in inbred lines, F1 and F2seeds of hybrid maizes was highest among all fatty acids and followed by oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and linolenic acid. The composition of saturated fatty acid of F2 seeds was 17.6%, similar to F1 seeds but it was lower than that of inbred lines. The composition of unsaturated fatty acid of F2 seeds was 82.4%, similar to F1 seeds but was higher than inbred lines. The content of leucine of F2 seeds was lower than inbred lines and F1 seeds. The content of valine, serine, threonine, cysteine, as-partic acid, lysine, arginine, histidine of F2 seeds was higher than inbred lines and F1 seeds. MMA (monoamino monocarboxylic acid) in inbred lines, F1 and F2 seeds of hybrid maizes was highest among all amino acids and followed by DMA (diamino monocarboxylic acid) and AAA (aromatic amino acid).

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