최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

신간척지에서 벼 기계이앙재배에 적합한 모 종류 구명

Study of Seedling Type for Transplanting Culture in Rice Paddy Field at the Newly Reclaimed Land

DOI : 10.7740/kjcs.2012.57.2.166

This research was carried out to choose the suitable seedling type to transplanting in order to stabilize rice yield. The brief of this research to transplant the seedling divided into 10-day seedling, 20-day seedling, 30-day seedling, 33-day pot seedling in the field of Saemangeum Gyehwa, newly re-claimed land were following; Average salt content in 2 years was reduced from 0.16% to 0.04% after transplanting. Heading date of seedling type was Aug. 14 at 33-day pot seedling compared to 2 days at 30-day seedling, 3 days at 20-day seedling, 5 days late at 10-day seedling. Lodging index was highest at 30-day seedling, and also, field lodging was 50%. Ripening ratio and 1,000 grain weight were similar and panicle number was higher 20-day seedling > 10-day seedling > 33-day pot seedling > 30- day seedling. Rice yield was higher 10-day seedling = 20-day seedling > 33-day pot seedling > 30-day seedling. Head rice ratio was higher in 20-day seedling > 30-day seedling = 10-day seedling > 33-day pot seedling. Amylose content and protein content was not significantly different between seedling types. With this results, the suitable seedling types in newly reclaimed land are 10-day and 20-day seedling.

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