CO2농도와 온도증가에 따른 인삼의 생육 및 생리․생태학적 반응 연구
Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration and Temperature on the Growth and Ecophysiological Responses of Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)
In order to understand the growth and ecophy -siological response of ginseng to global warming condition, we cultivated one and two year ginseng seedlings in control (ambient CO2 + ambient temperature) and global warming treatment (elevated CO2 + elevated temperature) from March 2010 to July 2011. Shoot appearance and initiation of flowering were advanced by 3-4 days in global warming treatment than in control. However, timing of fruit setting and seed ripeness was similar in both control and global warming treatment. Shoot length was longer in global warming treatment than in control, and also the number of leaves was much in global warming treatment. Fresh root weight was not different between control and global warming treatment. Photosynthetic rate was higher in global warming treatment than at control. Photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate were higher in two year seedlings than in one year seedlings at control, but was not different between seedling age of ginseng in global warming treatment. Water use efficiency was higher in one year seedlings than two year seedlings at control and global warming treatment. These results demonstrated that Korean ginseng more or less positively responds to global warming situation.
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