유색보리를 맥주의 원료로 이용하기 위하여 맥아 및 양조특성을 검정한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 자색 겉보리, 자색 쌀보리 및 청색 쌀보리의 안토시아닌은 침맥 20시간 후 약 30%, 22% 및 80%가 잔존하였다. 2. 일반적인 제맥 조건으로 제조된 자색보리 맥아는 안토시아닌 성분이 거의 소실되었으나 청색보리는 58% 정도 잔존하였다. 3. 흑색보리는 일반적인 제맥 및 당화 조건에서 색소성분이 손실되지 않았으며, 맥즙의 색도는 종피색의 농담이 아니라 가용성 질소 함량이 많아짐에 따라 진해지는 경향을 나타내었다. 4. 자색과 청색보리 맥아로 제조된 맥주에는 안토시아닌성분이 존재하지 않았으나, 호품보리 맥아로 만든 맥주보다 색도가 높았다.
This study was carried out to investigate the suitability of colored barley in malting and brewing properties and the possibility of utilizing pigments in colored barley as functional components in malting and brewing products. Purple and blue barley grains contained anthocyanins. However, about 80% and 20% of anthocyanins in the purple and blue barley grains, respectively, were lost during the steeping process. In malts, only 0.4~4.2% and 58.3% of anthocyanin in purple and blue barley grains, respectively, were remained. Wort color value was not affected by lemma color of black barley. In wort made from black barley, the color value was higher as its soluble nitrogen content higher. Anthocyanins were not found in wort and beer brewed from malts of purple and blue barley. The color value (EBC unit) was higher in wort and beer made from malts of purple and blue barley than those made from malt of the control variety, Hopum.
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