This study was carried out to obtain the basic data for selecting the cultivatable bioenergy crops through application of solidified sewage sludge in reclaimed lands. The experimental plots consisted of the mixing with solidified sewage sludge plot (SS50), the covering with solidified sewage sludge plot (SS100), and the original reclaimed land plot (ORL) on reclaimed land for the intended landfill in Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation (SLC). The growth of energy crops (Geodae-Uksae 1, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, and Phragmites australis) were investigated from May to October, 2010 in each experimental plot. The soil from ORL showed higher salinity with high contents of exchangeable Na+ cation than that of SS50 and SS100. Soil properties on reclaimed land used in this study must be improved by increasing the buffering capacity of saline with the treatment of solidified sewage sludge due to the fact that the contents of organic matter (OM) in both of SS50 and SS100 were higher than that of the ORL. Thus the growth of energy crops cultivated in the solidified sewage sludge plots were better than in ORL. Geodae-Uksae 1 which showed an excellent adaptability on reclaimed land treated with the solidified sewage sludge has considerably higher biomass than those of other energy crops (M. sacchariflorus and P. australis). This study suggested that Geodae-Uksae 1 is the most suitable biomass feedstock crop for bioenergy productions, and the solidified sewage sludge may be possible to utilize as a soil cover materials for cultivation of bioenergy crops in reclaimed land.
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