최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이식재배가 찰옥수수 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

Effect of Nursery Stage and Plug Cell Size on Growth and Yield of Waxy Corn

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Comprehensive studies on seedling produc-tion and transplanting cultivation of waxy corn are necessary to fulfill the comsumer s preference for the high quality whole ear waxy corn and its year-round supply for higher price, and to escape marketing in a short period at harvest season. Two waxy corn hybrids (cv. Chalok# 1 and Chalok# 4) were used to study the effects of seeding date, nursery days and plug cell size on growth and yield of waxy corn, and to clarify the reliable transplanting date at the Experimental Field of the National Institute of Crop Science in 2007. The number of days from seeding to silking was increased as nursery days were extended, but the number of days from transplanting to silking was shortened comparing to the direct seeding. Number of days from seeding to silking was shorter by 9~12 days for Chalok# 1 than for Chalok# 4, while the number of days from seeding to silking was shorter by 12~15 days in the second cropping than in the first cropping. Culm length of transplanted waxy corns was decreased as the nursery days were extended. Culm length of seeded Chaok# 1 and Chaok# 4 were decreased by 17% and 24%, respectively, in the second cropping compared to those in the first cropping. Ear length was somewhat decreased as the nursery days were extended. Chalok# 1 in the second cropping the degree of decrease was much higher in second cropping than in first cropping of Chalok# 1. Comparing to the first cropping, number of marketable ears per 10a of Chalok# 1 decreased as high as 64%, while that of seeded Chalok# 4 decreased mere 12% in the second cropping.

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