수입 및 국내 채종 자운영 종자의 발아 특성
Germination Characteristics of Chinese Milk Vetch(Astragalus sinicus L.) Seeds Produced in China and Korea
Germination characteristics of Chinese milk vetch(CMV) seeds produced from Hanam Province, China and Milyang, Korea were investigated to give basic information on the stability of seedling establishment in the CMV cultivation. The germination percentage of the imported CMV seed from China varied according to importation year and seed collection site ranging from 79~ 95%. The germination of black colored seed coat was lower than the light green colored ones and germination by seed weight was not significantly different. Although the seed germination was lower under dark than in the presence of light, it was not significantly different. The germination of the imported CMV seed slightly declined to only less than 6% after one-year of storage under natural environment conditions but it significantly decreased after two years. However, when the seed was stored at the 5°C, the seed germination was the same as after two years of storage. On the other hand, fresh CMV seed produced in Milyang, Korea had only 8% germination due to seed coat dormancy but the germination increased to 73~85% after breaking seed dormancy after a year of storage. The high germination percentage of 72~82% was still maintained even after 27 months of seed storage unlike the CMV seed produced from China. These results indicate that CMV seeds do not require light for germination and the seed from China should be used within one-year after importation while the seeds produced from Korea can be used even after two years from harvest for stable CMV seedling establishment in the CMV-rice cropping system.
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