최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

심지수의 차이에 따른 심지양액재배 씨감자의 생육 및 수량

Effects of Wick Number on Growth and Yield of Seed Potatoes Grown in a Wick-based Hydroponics

A glasshous experiment was carried out in 2002 to evaluate growth differences between two wick types, and to determine the optimum number of wicks in a wick-based hydroponics for production of ‘Dejima’ seed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). The six minitubers (7.0± 0.2 g/tuber) produced through aeroponics were planted in a polystyrene box (51 cm long × 31 cm wide × 20 cm high) containing growth medium (perlite+peatmoss 1:2, v/v mixtures). Before the boxes were filled with the medium, 6 wicks per box were vertically and 2 to 10 wicks were horizontally installed, respectively, at the bottom of the boxes through holes. Comparing with 6 vertical wick treat-ment, 6 horizontal wick treatment increased the number of tubers per plant, but decreased average tuber weight. Yield of tubers greater than 5 g (seed potatoes) was not signifi-cantly affected by wick type. As the number of the hori-zontal wicks per box was increased from 2 to 6, the number of seed potatoes increased from 2.8 to 8.0/plant and then leveled off. Average tuber weight increased with increasing the number of the wicks up to 8 and then leveled off. As the number of the wicks per box was increased from 2 to 6, seed potato yield increased from 1.81 to 6.59 kg/m2 and then slowly increased up to 10 wicks per box, reaching 12.9 kg/m2. The results indicate that installing 8 wicks per box (0.16 m2) horizontally for the wick culture system in production of ‘Dejima’ seed potatoes is beneficial considering seed potato yield, cost of wicks, and convenient filling with medium.

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