한국, 일본에서 수집한 들깨와 차조기의 재배형 및 잡초형들의 종자발아 변이
Variation of Seed Germination Among Cultivated and Weedy Types of Perilla Crop in Korea and Japan
To understand the seed characteristics among cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in Korea and Japan, we studied the variation of 69 accessions by examining weight of 100 seeds, hardness of seed, ger-mination percent and germination energy. The survey of the weight of 100 seeds and hardness of seed, clarified as follows; cultivated type of var. frutescens showed a range of 0.177 to 0.402 g with weight of 100 seeds, and most accessions of cultivated type of var. frutescens have soft seeds, except for several accessions, which have hard seeds, whereas weedy type of var. frutescens showed a range of 0.045 to 0.172 g with weight of 100 seeds, and has only hard seeds. While cultivated type of var. crispa showed a range of 0.054 to 0.101 g with weight of 100 seeds, and has only hard seeds. The weedy type of var. crispa showed a range of 0.059 to 0.135 g with weight of 100 seeds, and has only hard seeds. According to the result of germination tests, although the most accessions of cultivated and weedy types of var. frutescens and cultivated and weedy types of var. crispa showed below 50% germination rate at the first germination test, but some accessions of cultivated type of var. frutescens showed above 50% germination. While, in the second or third germination tests, most accessions of cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types showed above 50% germination rates, except for several accessions. As a result, in this study, the average of ger-mination percent and germination energy among accessions of cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types showed respectively the highest value at the third germi-nation test, but showed the lowest value at the first ger-mination test. In addition, the germination percent and ger-mination energy showed much higher in the room tem-perature condition than in 28℃ constant-temperature condition. Although our results may be required much clearly survey in the further study, this current results will be help for our understanding the variation of seed characteristics among cultivated types of Perilla crop and their weedy types in Korea and Japan.
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