최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

시판 소포장 보리쌀의 품위 평가

Evaluation of External Quality of Polished Barley

※해당 콘텐츠는 기관과의 협약에 따라 현재 이용하실 수 없습니다.

Demand for the high quality barley with fibroid material and functional substances has been in-creasing in recent although the amount of barley consump-tion decreased drastically during the last two decades. But the limited information on quality of barley makes con-sumers hard when they purchase barley for their own con-sumption. Therefore, 51 brand barley, .i.e., 28 naked barley and 23 waxy barley from supermarkets and 10 polished barley from local markets were collected, and their external quality were analyzed to provide basic information on brand barley. Among 51 brand barley, 56% were 1kg package and 25% were 800 g package and there was no significant difference (1±3.62 g) between printed and actual weighs. The weight of 1,000 grains of naked barley and waxy barley ranged 18.6~26.7 g and 14.6~24.7 g, respec-tively. Thousand grain weight of 38% of naked barley ranged 20~22 g, while that of 43% of waxy barley ranged 18~20g. The ratio of normal grains was 88% and 94% for naked barley and waxy barley, respectively, when separated with 1.7 mm sieve. Although 82% of brand barley products were free from foreign substances, in 18% of brand barley products, sands, pieces of cloth and wood, other kinds of grain and insect larvae were found, Average test weight of brand barleys was 843 g・L-1 with range of 805~917 g・L-1. Water content was less than 14% in 7.8% of barley products, while it was 14~15% in 62.7% of them. Average whiteness of brand barley was 31.06, while waxy barley had higher whiteness with 27.28 than naked barley with 34.16. Heated water uptake rate of milled naked barley and milled waxy barley were 215.4% and 231.7%, respectively, while expansion rate of milled naked barley and milled waxy barley were 379.7% and 401.6%, respectively. Barley from local markets were as good as brand barley products in 1,000 grain weight, ratio of normal grains, inclusion of foreign substances, test weight, water content, whiteness, water uptake rate, and expansion rate, but they showed higher ratio of foreign substances included.

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