최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

금산 지역 들깨와 참깨의 비호정성 원소 함량 비교

Comparisons of Incompatible Element Contents between the Perilla frutescens var. japonica and Sesamum indicum in Keumsan Area

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※해당 콘텐츠는 기관과의 협약에 따라 현재 이용하실 수 없습니다.

This study is for incompatible element contents of Perilla frutescens and Sesamum indicum from the Keumsan: biotite granite, phyllite and shale areas. In the soils, high elements are shown in the granite and phyllite areas, and in the areas of the Perilla frutescens. Positive correlations are distinctive within the granite for the Perilla frutescens, but the shale for the Sesamum indicum. These relationships can be explained with relative propositions of minerals containing the incompatible element. In the plants, high elements are shown in the shale and the Sesamum indicum are high in the comparisons of the same soil types. The low parts are mainly high. Regardless of the soil types, the lower and upper parts, respectively, are high in the Y, Zr and Rb contents for the Perilla frutescens, but, Ta, Nb, Th and U contents for the Sesamum indicum. Positive correla-tions are distinctive within plants of the phyllite. Comparing with the soil types, all HFS and Cs contents of the LFS in the plants are low with differences of several to hundred times, but high in the Sr contents with differences of several times. In the comparisons between plants and soil types, Y, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Rb, and Sr of the phyllite and Th, U, Ba and Cs of the shale for the Perilla frutescens as well as Y, Zr, Hf, Rb, Sr, Ba and Cs of the phyllite and Ta, Nb, Th and U of the shale for the Sesamum indicum are chemi-cally similar to the soils. In the comparisons of the each parts for the plant types, differences with the soils are big in the granite.

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