최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

등숙기 기온 및 일사량이 벼 종실중 및 종실질소함량에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Temperature and Radiation on Grain Weight and Grain Nitrogen Content in Rice

  • 6

This experiment was conduced to clarify the effects of growth temperature and radiation on grain weight increase and grain nitrogen accumulation in rice. Final grain weight became heavy and grain-filling duration shortened with radiation increase during grain-filling period (GFP). In addition, grain nitrogen accumulated duration during GFP was influenced strongly, but final grain nitrogen content was influenced slightly by accumulated radiation (AR). Accu-mulated effective temperature (AET) described well variation of grain weight (GW) and grain nitrogen content (GN), but GW and GN showed large variation under different radiation during GFP, when related with AET or AR, indicating that there was a limiting in describing variation of GW and GN by any single factor between AET and AR. However, AET multiplied by AR could describe relatively well the varia-tions of GW and GN regardless of radiation during GFP.

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