A complete diallel cross was performed to determine the inheritance of 1,000 grain weight of brown rice and cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) content and combining ability of five pigmented rice that showed different level of C3G content. Parents and F1 of 20 crosses were eva-luated for 1,000 grain weight of brown rice and C3G content which extracted from pigmented rice grain with 0.1% trifluoroacteic acid (TFA) in 95% EtOH. For 1,000 grain weight of brown rice and C3G content, both additive and dominant gene effects were detected and the domi-nance was partial and there were more dominant alleles than recessive ones. Genetic parameters pointed out that there are significant additive and dominant effects and the additive effect is bigger than the dominant one for both grain weight and C3G content. The frequency of negative alleles were higher than positive alleles. Narrow sense heri-tability estimates were 0.66 for grain weight of 1,000 brown rice and 0.70 for C3G contents. General combining ability (GCA) effects and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were highly significant and GCA effects were drastically higher than SCA ones. It indicates that the inheritance of the C3G contents is controlled mainly by additive genetic factor.
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