최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

영남평야지에서 벼 이앙시기에 따른 도정특성 변화와 도정특성 유망 유전자원 탐색

Changes of Milling Quality of Rice Varieties According to the Transplanting Time and Good Resources with High Milling Quality in Yeongnam Plain Paddy

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We carried out this study to analyze changes of rice grain milling properties according to the trans-planting time and to identify genetic resources suitable for improving milling quality of rice in paddy field of Yeong-nam area. We analyzed grain filling and milling quality of 30 rice varieties. In late transplanting (June 20), heading date was delayed for 6 days, compared to normal trans-planting (June 5). The grain filling ratio (GFR), perfect kernel ratio of milled rice (PKR), and head rice recovery (HRR) were improved in late transplanting. There was no significant difference in head rice yield of two transplant-ing time, even though the milled rice yield in late trans-planting was significantly smaller than that in normal trans-planting because of the reduction of spikelet numbers per panicle. The uniformity of brown rice grain measured by selection sieve norm was improve in late transplanting. There was no significant difference of milling loss ratio between normal and late transplanting but there was a trend for a increase of milling necessary time in late transplant-ing. Thus, our result suggest that optimum transplanting time is June 10 to 15 to improve grain filling and milling quality and produce high head rice yield in the southern paddy plain of Yeongnam region. We selected promising 9 rice varieties which are Nampyeongbyeo, Ilmibyeo, Chucheongbyeo, Dongjinbyeo, Hopyeongbyeo, Malguemi, Chilbo, Hinohikari, and Cheongmu having high percentage of ripened grain and milling quality as genetic resources to improve milling characteristics of rice varieties. Chucheongbyeo, Dongjinbyeo, and Malguemi showed the highest grain filling ratio and Nampyeongbyeo had the highest perfect kernel ratio. Nam-pyeongbyeo and Ilmibyeo showed the highest head rice yield with more than 500 kg/10a.

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