최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

담수조건하 벼 발아 및 입모단계시 항산화효소 및 Alcohol dehyrogenase활성 변화

Changes of Antioxidative Enzymes and Alcohol Dehydrogenase in Young Rice Seedlings Submerged in Water

  • 7

Successful germination and establishment of seedlings in flooded paddy are critical in direct seeding cultivation of rice. In this study, we examined the relation-ship between antioxidant enzymes and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities and coleoptile elongation under submergence of deep water with two rice cultivars, Iksan429 and Wood-rose, which show characteristic coleoptile elongation under hypoxic condition. The growth of shoot under submerged in water was faster than the root. The survival duration was longer in Iksan429 than in Woodrose under submerged in water. The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities were significantly increased under hypoxia compared to in aerated condition. The ADH activity was increased in Iksan429 more than in Woodrose under hypoxia. The superoxide dis-mutase (SOD) activity in Iksan429 was gradually increased up to 5 days after treatment (DAT) then decreased slowly till 14 DAT under water, whereas in Woodrose it was dramatically decreased after 5 DAT. The peroxidase (POX) activity in Iksan429 was significantly increased until 7 DAT under hypoxia, whereas it was not significantly different in Woodrose during hypoxic treatment. However, in non-treated condition, POX activity in Woodrose was increased more than Iksan429. The changes of catalase (CAT) activities showed no differences in both cultivars. We suggest that the overexpression of ADH, SOD and POX activities is responsible for the hypoxic tolerance and plays an impor-tant role in the surviving of rice seedling.

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