최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

녹두 수량과 Flavonoids 함량에 대한 멀칭과 토양개량제 효과

Effect of Mulching and Soil Conditioners on Yield and Flavonoids Content of Mungbean

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of black polyethylene film mulching and soil conditioners on the growth, yield, and flavonoids biosynthesis of mungbeans. The seedling stand rate, plant height, and pods per plant were 98%, 61 cm, and 15.1, respectively, when the mungbean grown black polyethylene film mulches. They were greater than these results when the without mulches was applied by 13%, 9 cm, and 1.8, respectively. Mungbean grown with black polyethylene film mulches (243 kg・10a-1) exhibited 38% more seed yield than without mulches (176 kg・10a-1). However, no significant difference in contents of vitexin and isovitexin of mungbeans between with black polyethylene film mulches and without mulches was observed. Among soil conditioners, standard fertilizer+oil cake and standard fertilizer+mineral powders increased number of pods. The standard fertilizer+oil cake showed the highest seed yield (119%) of mungbean when it mixed with standard fertilizers, and followed by mineral powders (115%). The mixed com-binations of oil cake or mineral powders also seem to have affected the biosynthesis of vitexin and isovitexin, whose content in mungbeans was significantly more.

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