This study was conducted to evaluate an early-maturing rice cultivars adaptable to early transplant-ing cultivation in Yeongnam plain area. High temperature during the ripening stage of paddy rice under the early-transplanting cultivation in Yeongnam plain was to in-fluence in several agronomic traits such as number of spi-kelet, ripening ratio, grain appearance of milled rice, and yield. ‘Gounbyeo’ and ‘Junghwabyeo’ were better than the others in grain appearance of milled rice and ripening ratio, but their yield potential were lower than that of the other varieties. Moreover, ‘Gounbyeo’ and ‘Junghwabyeo’ showed high ratio of broken rice. ‘Unkwangbyeo’ was the highest in yield and eating quality among the tested varieties, but also high percentage of white core and belly in milled rice. Therefore, in order to recommend those cultivars to far-mers, it should be needed to establish an optimal culti-vation method, such as transplanting density, fertilizer appli-cation, and harvesting time, etc. consequently, it should also be required to develop a new varieties with high ripen-ing capability under high temperature condition.
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