This study was conducted to provide the fundamental data based on the analysis of phsyco-chemical characteristics of domestic aroma rice and foreign aroma rice for breeding of aroma rice. The average amylose con-tent of domestic aroma rice and widely cultured domestic traditional rice were 18.1% and 19.0% respectively. The Indica and the Japonica types were 25.6% and 25.0%. In the domestic rice of Tongil and Japonica type, the average protein content were 7.6% and 6.4% respectively. And the average protein content of foreign Indica and Japonica type were 7.6% and 7.0% respectively. And the average protein content of widely cultured domestic traditional rice was 5.6%. The Japonica type of rice shown a low protein con-tent compared with Indica type of rice, and the foreign Indica types of rice exhibited a wide range of protein con-tents. The average alkali digestive value (ADV) of Tongil type of the domestic aroma rice was about 5.0 and the value of Japonica type was about 6.0. The average ADV of foreign Indica and Japonica type were 4.3 and 5.1 respectively. Also the average ADV of widely cultured domestic aroma rice was about 6.0. The foreign aroma rice were distributed a variable range of ADV value and lower than the both do-mestic aroma rice and widely cultivated domestic rice. In the whole aspect of the amylogram, the highest viscosity, the lowest viscosity and the last viscosity of the total resources, in domestic aroma rice were clearly lower with the next order, Japonica type of foreign aroma rice, Indica type of foreign aroma rice, Japonica type of domestic aroma rice, widely cultured domestic traditional rice, and Tongil type of domestic aroma rice. It shown the difference aspect of amylograms according to the eco-type of the domestic and foreign aroma and the general rice, and it was distinguishable in difference of the aspect of the amylogram of the endo-sperm of rice as non-glutinous rice, waxy rice, and middle-waxy rice.
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