최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

현미 저온저장이 쌀과 밥의 품질에 미치는 영향

Effects of Low-Temperature Storage of Brown Rice on Rice and Cooked Rice Quality

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This study was carried out to investigate the changes of brown rice, and cooking properties after milling of brown rice according to storage temperature and varieties. Brown rices were stored at 15 and 35 for 10 weeks. ℃ ℃ Tz values of brown rice stored at 35 were higher in ℃ Hwaseongbyeo, Koshihikari, Hitomebore, than the other varieties. The increasing rate of hardness of cooked rice in Odaebyeo, Junghwabyeo, Sangmibyeo stored at 35 were ℃ lower than those of other varieties. In stored brown rice at 15 and 35 , correlations between pH of brown rice and ℃ ℃ fat acidity, hardness, b value of cooked milled rice and head rice rate of milled rice were significant 0.743**, 0.539*, -0.693**, 0.250, respectively. At 15 and 35 , correlations between L value and b ℃ ℃ value of cooked milled rice, head rice rate of milled rice were significant -0.772**, 0.638*, and those between fat acidity of brown rice and consistency of milled rice were 0.604*. In brown rice stored at 15 , It was higher quality of ℃ milled rice and cooked rice than those at 35 that increased ℃ head rice rates of milled rice and glossy value of cooked milled rice but lower color b value and hardness of cooked rice.

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