최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

풋콩으로의 생육특성과 수량의 품종간 비교

The Varietal Comparison in Growth Characteristic and Yield of Vegetable Soybean

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This study was conducted to find on the screening of a optimal variety after compare with charac-teristics of a colored soybean recommended and a vege-table soybean by pure line isolation from the indigenous variety in Chungnam area. The budding period in results compared with a budding property of testing varieties be-tween the recommended colored soybean 6 varieties and the indigenous 3 varieties, was showed that it was delayed by increasing of a grain weight but the budding rate was not significant. And the harvest period was the most early day at the black colored soybean plot at the 30th July and was the latest day at the native variety (Nonsan jaerae) at the 21th October. The stem length was showed a wide range from 25 to 104 cm, and the Asan jaerae in this result was the highest on 104 cm, but the Geomjeongolkong was the lowest on 25 cm. The number of pod per plant was searched about 9 to 111 range, and the most numerous plot in this experimental varieties was the Ilpumgeomjeongkong as 111 number, on the other hand, the least variety was the Asan jaerae as 9 number. The rate of more than 2 seed per pod in the vegetable soybean property was the highest at the Geomjeongolkong about 82%. Additionally, the Hwang-kuemkong and Geomjeongkong 1 was relatively the high levels as 78% and 73%, respectively. At the pod yield per 1000 m2 (10a) was the most much as 1,567 kg at the Ilpum-geomjeongkong. Also, the Sunheukkong and the Galmikong was 1,468 kg, 1,397 kg, respectively. Therefore, the Ilpum-geomjeongkong, Sunheukkong, and Galmikong were proper varieties for the vegetable cultivation.

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