This experiment was carried out to investi-gate the effect of proton ion and gamma-ray irradiation on microspore culture of the flower buds of M2 generation in winter type of Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera. The seeds of three rape varieties, ‘Halla’, ‘Naehan’ and ‘Tammi’ were pretreated with proton ion and gamma-ray 400 Gy and 600 Gy, respectively. When microspore culture techniques were used, embryogenesis was increased in some varieties by pro-ton ion and gamma-ray irradiation treated flower buds of M2 generation than control. In genotypes ‘Naehan’ showed the highest embryo production frequency, but ‘Tammi’ showed lowest embryo production frequency. Some of the embryoids developed directly into plantlets, whereas others developed abnormally multilobe. Plants were regenerated and success-fully acclimatized in pots.
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