최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

국내 육성 콩 품종의 고랭지 재배 시 수량 및 Isoflavone 함량

Yields and Isoflavone Contents of Soybean Cultivar in Highland Area

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This study was performed to obtain fundamental information on growth adaptability and isoflavone contents of soybean cultivars in highland area of Korea. For this study, we cultivated nineteen cultivars and investigated yield and isoflavone contents. In Jinbu-myeon located at altitude of 600 m, most of cultivars showed more than 2.5 t/ha seed yield except three cultivars, and the range of isoflavone contents among nineteen cultivars was 715 to 2,545 μg/g. Cultivars with both high seed yield and isoflavone contents were Manrikong, Sinpaldalkong2, Cheongjakong, and Cheongjakong2 in this area. In Daegwallyeongmyeon located at altitude of 800 m, the range of seed yield and isoflavone contents was 1.4 to 2.4 t/ha and 437 to 2,370 μg/g, respectively. Cultivars with both high seed yield and isoflavone contents were Ilpumgeomjeongkong and Dooyookong in this area. Cultivars selected on the basis of seed yield and isoflavone contents in 2004 and 2005 showed also similar results for yield and isoflavone contents at farmer’s field in highland area in 2006. In conclusion, it could be expected to produce soybeans having both higher yield and better quality if the selected soybean cultivars are cultivated in highland area.

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