최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

파종밀도가 풋콩 품종의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

Effects of Planting Density on Growth and Yield of Vegetable Soybean Varieties

The objective of experiment was to investi-gate the ffects of planting density on growth and yield ofvegetable soybean, and to clarify the optimum planting den-sity of vegetable soybean in the middle west region ofKorea. The field experiment with 4 levels of planting den-sity was carried out at Yesan area in 2005~2006. The daysfrom seeding to flowering and the days from seeding toharvesting and lodging were not significantly diferent amongplanting distance. The stem length was increased as plantingpod per branch, pod per individual, weight of stem andpod, one hundred pod weight and rate of 2+3 seed per podwere decreased as planting density was increased. The sizeof vegetable soybeans was not significantly diferent amongplanting distance, but the harvest index of vegetable soy-bean was decreased as planting distance was hortened. Yieldof vegetable soybean was increased as planting distance wasdecreased. However, the approriate densities for stem andpod weight per a plant, number of pod per a branch anddiffreent from that density. The optimal planting distanceof varieties was 6025 cm in Sunheukkong and Ilpumgeom-jeongkong and was 6035 cm in Galmikong.

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