Variation of chalkiness expression in milledwaxy rice with the moisture contents of grains was in-vestigated using instrument and naked eye evaluation methods.To find out any effects of varieties and harvesting timeson the chalkiness development, rice grains of seven waxyvarieties harvested at early, optimal and late times weretested after being sun-dried to have three different moisturecontents of about 13.0~14.5%, 14.5~16.0% and above 16.0%.The moisture contents of rice grains were distributed in theranges of about 13.0% to 17.5% with the drying intensityright after harvesting. Although there were some geneticalvariations in whiteness and degree of transparency of miledkiness was most significantly affected by the changes ofmoisture content in all waxy varieties and harvesting times.At the moisture content less than 13.5%, al varieties exhi-bited waxy unique chalkiness, and at he moisture rangesbetween 13.5% and 14.0% the chalkiness was more or lessaffected by harvesting time and varieties. At the moisturecontent ranges between 14.0% and 16.0%, chalkines gradualydisapeared as with e increase of moisture content. How-ever the degrees of chalkines loses were strongly dependedon individual kernels by showing as if the number ofgrains with the moisture content increase. At the moisturecontent above about 16.0%, all waxy kernels lost theirunique chalkiness, and showed non-waxy rice appearance.
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