최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

검정콩의 등숙기간중 Isoflavone과 Saponin 함량변이

Variation of Isoflavone and Saponin During Maturity in Black Soybean

This study was conducted to investigate anti-oxidant component content during maturity for judgementof optimum harvest time in black soybean. For high-functional black soybean production, accumulation patternof isoflavone and saponin contents and antioxidative acti-vity according to maturity stage were investigated. Varietiesused in this experiment were Ilpumgeomjeongkong andHeukcheongkong, which are the recommended black soy-bean in Korea.Isoflavone and saponin contents during maturity periodin black soybean was the highest at 6~7 days earlier thangeneral harvesting time. It was indicated that optimum har-vesting time for high quality soybean were 3~7 days earliervestigation about accumulation pattern of antioxidant com-ponents by maturity stages in seed, total isoflavone contentwas the highest at 61 DAF in Ilpumgeomjeongkong and at77 DAF in Heukcheongkong. Contents of total saponinwere the highest at 61 DAF and at 71 DAF, respectively.In case of leaf, total isoflavone content was the highest at55 DAF in Ilpumgeomjeongkong and Heukcheongkong.Contents of total saponin were the highest at 18 DAFand at 55~71 DAF, respectively. It showed that black soy-beans leaf could be developed as a new health food material,owing to high contents of antioxidant components and R7.

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