This study was carried out to investigate thesoil chemical and physical properties by annul variationand yield properties according to cropping rotation systemof paddy field which was cultivated rice and soybean ofeach 1 year by turns, each 2 year by turns, 1 year of riceand 3 years of soybean and 4 years of soybean conti-nuously. This study was conducted for 3 years from 2002to 2004 in National Institute of Crop Science (NISC),Korea. Study was controlled by Shinpaldal 2 of mid-matured species, sow a field with soybean by 6015 cmin 27 May. Chemical fertilizer was spread in the field byN 3 . 0 k g , P2O5 2O 3.4 kg per 10a. This experi-ment was carried for increase the degree of self sufficiencyof soybean from detect the better cropping system in paddyfield. The results of the study were as follows; Soil prositywas increased 17.4% in each one year rotation and 21.8%in the sector of cultivated soybean for four years. Resultswas indicated that 5 9 cm of stem length, 0.5 1.0 ea of∼ ∼branch number and 3.5 7.0 of SPAD value was decreased∼in the sector of cultivated soybean for 3 4 years com∼ -pared to 1 2 year cultivated sector. The soybean yield∼sector and 21% (201 kg/10a) in the 3 year cultivated sectorcompare with paddy-upland switching cultivation(255 kg/10a). Root nodule weight and number was tend to decreaseaccording to the increasing duration of cultivated soybean.
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