Experiments were conducted with aims to(1) estimate the biomass yield potential, (2) characterizethe biomass and igestible dry matter production, and (3)reveal the characteristic seedling establishment of a wholecrop rice variety, Nogyangbyeo, in dry- and wet-seeded rice.Maximum aboveground total biomass of Nogyangbyeo was18 t ha-1 in dry-seeded rice and 20 t ha-1 in wet-seededrice. Biomass yield potential of Nogyangbyeo was lowerthan that of Dasanbyeo. Comparatively, Nogyangbyeo wasstraw-dependent and Dasanbyeo was grain-dependent forbiomass accumulation. Percentage of digestible dry matter(DDM) was higher in panicles than straw. Digestible drymatter yield was determined mainly by biomass yield ra-ther than DDM percentage. Number of seedling establish-ment in Nogyangbyeo was 73 m-2in dry-seeded rice and109 m-2 in wet-seeded rice. Poor seedling establishment ofdry-seeded Nogyangbyeo in the field condition was the re-sult of low seed germination under low temperature andpoor seedling emergence by dep sowing. Low sedlingemergence rate of Nogyangbyeo was atributed mainly toto mesocotyl and 1st internode lengths, not to geneticallydefined leaf length. The slow elongation growth of Nogyang-byeo was the same even in the high daily mean temperatureof 24 . Results suggest DDM yield in rice can be impro℃ -ved simply by increasing biomas and whole crop rice varie-ties should be adaptable to direct-seeding.