최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

참깨의 탈립성 및 양적형질에 대한 유전분석

Genetic Analysis of Shattering Habit and Some QuantitativeCharacters in Sesame

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※해당 콘텐츠는 기관과의 협약에 따라 현재 이용하실 수 없습니다.

This study was carried out to obtain basic informations for gene action of quantitative characters including shattering resistance. The parental varieties used for 5×5 half diallel crosses were ‘Yangbaek’ and ‘Ansan’ of normal type, ‘Suwon177’ and ‘Suwon195’ of placenta adhesion type (PA) and ‘SIG960320-5-1-1’ of indehiscent type (ID). PA and ID type are shattering-resistant sesames, and Yangbaek and Ansan are shattering sesames. All the characters were sufficient to the assumption for diallel analysis in this experiment. Over dominance was exhibited by the number of capsules per plant, while partial dominance by plant height, capsule setting stem length, grain yield per plant and shattering rate, complete dominance by the number of branches per plant. Additive effect was higher than dominance in shattering rate. High shattering rate was dominant over low shattering rate. Suwon195, shattering resistant sesame, showed to have the many recessive genes which reduced the shattering rate of sesame seed. Broad sense heritability for all the characters was more than 0.8. Narrow sense heritability for the number of branches per plant, the number of capsules per plant, grain yield per plant and shattering rate was 0.45 to 0.63, and plant height and capsule setting stem length was more than 0.8.

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